Gre pa nekako takole... Kaj naredis, ce ti uspe zakleniti avtomobilske kljuce v prtljaznik ob 22h zvecer, ko te dve zura zeljni frendici cakata na neki avtobusni postaji, ker pac naj bi sli na morje in gaba izgublja zivce... globoko vdihnes, se nasmejes do solz... nato pomiris gabo in zacnes iskat pripomocke. cez 15 minut si ze profesionalni vlomilec v avtomobile.
Da naju se malce pohvalim...uspelo nama je "u prvo":)
As we were leaving for the seaside i somehow managed to lock the car keys in the trunk. What now? first I almost died laughing, than just barely survived the attack of an emotionaly distressed room-mate... after that there was only one thing left for me to do, learn how to break into a car... and i must say that i mastered that lesson in notime:) of course I promise to use my special powers only for good:)
Da naju se malce pohvalim...uspelo nama je "u prvo":)
As we were leaving for the seaside i somehow managed to lock the car keys in the trunk. What now? first I almost died laughing, than just barely survived the attack of an emotionaly distressed room-mate... after that there was only one thing left for me to do, learn how to break into a car... and i must say that i mastered that lesson in notime:) of course I promise to use my special powers only for good:)
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