petek, 6. julij 2012


Film na simpatičen in izviren način primerja prvenstveni in prvi prosti vzpon v smeri Obraz Sfinge, ki se nahaja v najbolj markantnem delu triglavske severne stene. Z estetskimi in dih jemajočimi posnetki predstavi lepo in mogočno okolje simbola slovenstva z mistično Sfingo na čelu ter vse štiri protagoniste obeh ključnih vzponov, ki ju ločuje obdobje treh desetletij. Osrednja zgodba gledalca popelje od priprav alpinistov na vzpon, po poti do stene in preko nje, vse do tako želenega vrha.

The film in a charming and original way compares the first ascent to the first free-climb ascent of the Face of Sphinx located in the most prominent part of the North Face of Triglav. The aesthetic and breathtaking footage presents beautiful and powerful environment of the Slovenian national symbol, with the mystical Sphinx at the forefront, and all four protagonists of the two crucial ascents, which are separated by a period of three decades. The central story takes the viewer from the mountaineers' preparations to ascend, to the wall and beyond it, all the way up to the desired peak.

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